FIRSTLY: If you have not read part one, GO DO IT.
Please. :)
This post will be more pleasant if you do so.
This post will be more pleasant if you do so.
Also, this is a little long, so brace yourself for...
SO! We left off with Caleb's going away party that I walked away from with no knowledge that I would ever speak to him again.
A few weeks later, I'm at work when a buddy comes up to me and says, "Hey, Sairah. I've got this friend who I think you would get along really well with..."
Enter proposition for a blind date. Which I accepted because I had only been on one blind date and didn't think all of them could be that severely awkward.
Lesson learned.
Anyway, I give my friend my number so he could pass it on to this guy. A few hours later, I get a text saying something like, "Hi, is this Sairah?" I figured it had to be the Blind Date Guy (we'll call him BDG) texting me, so I just replied with a, "Yeah, who's this?" When he introduced himself as Caleb, I wasn't even thinking of the guy whose party I had gone to earlier that week- I was focused on the idea that I was talking to BDG. So when I asked "Sorry, Caleb who?" and he told me who he was... I was a little shocked. Not to mention, I had no idea how he got my number, 'cause I didn't give it to him.
In any case, we got to talking and he asked me on a date for that weekend. He mentioned that he had plans for the night he wanted to get together, so we should do a lunch date. My first thought was that he probably had another date that night. Hahaha :) But guess what?
I honestly didn't even care. I thought it was funny, even! I was like, 'Yeah, go him.' Not even a little bit offended or anything. Don't worry, I found out later that he really didn't have another date. My husband is a gentleman. :)
So Friday, the 11th of February, Caleb comes to get me for our date. He comes to the door, walks me to the car, and opens the door for me, very "gentleman" status. But here's where it gets better:
There was a single rose laying on the front seat, just staring up at me.
So, being as silly as I possibly could have been, my honest first thought was, 'Is this for me, or is this for the girl he's going to see tonight and he just forgot he put it there?'
Yes, that is really what I thought. I know, it was dumb. But imagine my pleasant surprise when I hear him start to explain that because he leaves for basic training on the 14th (that's Valentines Day, for those of you keeping track), that he wanted a Valentine to celebrate early with. Which I thought was THE most adorable thing he possibly could have done. I wanted to turn around and kiss him, but I refrained. I just gave him one of my super tight squeezes that are REALLY super awesome hugs instead. (Upon discussing this with Caleb later, apparently he would have been fine with the kissing thing. Go figure.)
From there we headed to a shooting range. He had obviously done this a time or two, and I had very obviously not. About half way into this escapade, he turns to me and says, "Lets have a competition."
I was not thrilled about this initially, due to the amount I sucked at shooting. But get this: the terms of this competition, as set by Caleb, went something like this:
"If you win, you get anything in the world you want. If I win, we go back to my place and watch Psych." (This is the part where that whole Psych conversation in Part I becomes important.) I was like, 'Holy cow! Is this guy even for real??' I'm pretty sure my face lit up so bright, it could have provided light to that whole room if they turned the lights off.
So, I lost (shocker, right?) and we got to go back to his place to watch Psych. I did have a roommate's birthday dinner to go to, so I had to leave right after the date. As Caleb was dropping me off, he said something to the effect of, "So, my plans for later fell through, if you want to come back when you're done." Uh, DUH I wanted to come back!!
So I did. :)
Reader's Digest version of our night is something to the effect of: his friend Kyle was over (which I didn't mind) and we went to Walmart to pick up all sorts of movie night snacks. I don't remember a lot about it, but I remember we laughed a lot and I had a good time. Then, we got back and ordered the BIGGEST PIZZA I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. Here, take a look at this:
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Giant. Anyway, we had our ginormous pizza, our snacks, and Psych. Even though I was dropping every hint POSSIBLE, Caleb didn't start cuddling me until about half way through the night. Silly boy. :)
Later, his friend Kyle leaves and we decide to put in a movie. While this movie is loading, he comes to sit down on the couch, we start joking around, and...
He kisses me.
Blindsided? Yeah, I was too. But it was a good kiss anyway. :)
He kisses me.
Blindsided? Yeah, I was too. But it was a good kiss anyway. :)
So, as SUPER rare as this is for me, we actually ended up falling asleep in the middle of the movie. Keep in mind, it was probably almost 3 in the morning at this point. At least. Next thing I know, I'm waking up to my alarm for work. However, I decide I'm going to call in sick because I'm a little irresponsible and I wanted to sleep more.
Plus, I wanted more time with this super hot guy who seemed to not be getting sick of me.
That day consisted mostly of him making me breakfast (insert: "AWWW!" here) of eggs, toast, and Capri Suns, and mostly a combination of chatting and making out for the next few hours. I did have to go to my mom's birthday dinner that night, so I had to leave again. And just like the day before, Caleb extended an invitation to return. :)
This time, I returned with all the makins for french toast. When I finally got back to his place that night, we tried to put in a movie, but we were both so tired from staying up so late the night before that we both literally fell asleep within about half an hour.
The next day (the 13th), I made him french toast as he packed for basic training. At one point, he walked up the stairs, came up behind me as I cooked, and wrapped his arms around me. I was so happy in that moment, I had the biggest grin on my face. Little did I know that this was a glimpse into our future. :)
That night he had a dinner plans with his family and after only three days of knowing him, he invited me to join them. I was a little weirded out, but I went with it. I'm not shy! Just before dinner he actually asked me how I would feel about dropping him off at his hotel in SLC that he had to report to that night. I was again, shocked. Whoever dropped him off was the last person (from UT) he would see for the next 3 years! And he wanted me to be that person?? I was shocked, but I thought it was super great and adorable.
So, I drop him off at this hotel and he tells me that this was only supposed to be a short briefing and then he would be free for the next couple hours. Keep in mind, this is the 3rd time he's done this in the last three days. Think he liked me much? :P
After his briefing was over, I gave him my address (which he requested that I give him so he could write me, and I gave it despite thinking he wouldn't.) and we hit the town. Chocolate donuts and hot chocolate from a gas station, driving around downtown, and ending up parking in front of the Capitol building.
As it's almost time for him to go, I drive him back to the hotel to say goodbye. I give him another one of my super awesome hugs and try to be as adorable as possible. And for the 4th time that weekend, he says that he wants to see me again. "If we end up leaving late, can I see you tomorrow?"
Sad story time: He DID end up leaving on time, so I couldn't see him the next day. But get this: He texted me THE WHOLE DAY. When he had to start boarding planes, he would text me until the second he boarded the plane, and then he texted me the second they landed. He did that for every single flight he went through. It's amazing that even after asking to see me again four separate times throughout the weekend, AND doing all the other adorable things he had done for me, I still didn't believe he would write me. I hoped he would, but I kinda figured he wouldn't.
Once again, I was happy to be proven wrong.