Friday, January 17, 2014

The Gabriel Method and My Love/Hate Relationship with Unpredictability

I just LOVE how army life can be so all over the place...

Did anyone catch my sarcasm there?

Caleb just re-enlisted, so I thought we'd be here for another year and a half or so, and then the army would put us where they need my husband to work. But a few opportunities have come up for Caleb recently, so now I literally have no idea where I'm going to be come summer time.

I do actually enjoy that I know I will never get stuck in a rut. That is to say, I won't get stuck in that pattern most people find themselves in of doing the same things every day- leading very predictable lives. At the same time, I feel like my life is a little TOO unpredictable. 

For instance- Caleb just finished doing a "pre-ranger" outing that took him away for 3 days. Those 3 days just happened to be the 3 days my body decides it needs to be SUPER sick. Of course, he had to be taken away at the LEAST convenient time possible. Not even 3 days later, he had to show up early to work just in case they picked him to go to the Warrior Leader Course (WLC). We were both hoping he wouldn't go because today is his birthday, and he would get a 4-day weekend if he didn't have to be there. But of course, they picked him. 


There's more of that sarcasm stuff.

So now, he'll be gone for pretty much all of this month. He will also be gone all of next month for one of those "opportunities" I mentioned. Once he's home from that, his unit has field rotations and all kinds of trainings scheduled, so there is a really good possibility that I just won't see my husband for the next 3 months. It's dumb that he's not even deployed, but he might as well be for all the time I'll get to spend with him between now and April.

Like I said, glad that my life isn't predictable and boring, but I envy those who get a little more stability in their lives. And those whose husbands don't have to be taken away ALL THE TIME. But I know that if I did have that stability, my life could get really boring. Is there no happy medium?!

I guess have to get back into "deployment mode" where I throw myself into things that keep me busy. I'm still doing Crossfit, I'm doing more massages lately, and I've just discovered one of the coolest weight-loss methods I've ever seen.

Ever heard of the Gabriel Method? This guy lost 220 pounds WITHOUT DIETING (some of my favorite words ever) and wrote a book about it. Now he does seminars and has a website with a support group, recipes, workout videos, and most importantly, Visualization audio bits all based on the method he used to drop his weight.

This method is based ENTIRELY on your mind-body connection and re-training your brain to send different signals to your body. The kind of signals that make your body want to get the fat off ASAP. The kind of signals that help you live healthier and happier by creating better habits. His book is great, and the visualization audios are lovely. I would HIGHLY recommend looking into it.

Go to this website for free Gabriel Method stuff if you wanna get started. While you're there, check out his story and see what he's all about! If you want the book, I'm pretty sure he's still giving it away for free too. Well, you pay $1 for shipping. You also get an account to his support group website for a month for free, and there are loads of videos and stuff you can download.

What I actually love about this guy is that he isn't pushy. His whole attitude is: "This thing worked for me and I wanna show you how I did it. If it's not for you, that's cool. Thanks for stopping by anyway." He also has supplements that will help your body become more balanced and hopefully provide some things your body is missing in order to help lose the extra weight, but he's not the kinda person that's like, "If you don't buy my supplements, this won't work for you at all." He only SUGGESTS that you supplement your diet with these things because they can help a lot, and that you should get them if you can.


I feel like Jon and I would get along really well if we ever met in real life. He makes me feel like I can still accomplish great things even if I don't pay to stay on his website after my free month, even if I don't buy his supplements, and even if I give into my cravings. And guess what??

It's working!

I am actually starting to crave healthier things, I am not hungry as often, and I'm losing weight- which I thought would be nearly impossible with this birth control I've got! I went to a Zumba class last night (which TOTALLY kicked my butt, by the way) and when I got home, the only thing I wanted for dinner was an apple and some juice. You might think that's not healthy, but part of the Gabriel Method is eating WHENEVER YOU WANT TO. If that means eating another meal between breakfast and lunch, then do it. If that means only eating a small amount for dinner because you're not that hungry, then don't force yourself to eat if your body doesn't want to!

I am loving this whole concept. Everything he says just makes sense, and it's kind of blowing my mind. I encourage you to look into it if you have ANY amount of weight to lose.

That's my two cents for the day. If you decide to hop on the Gabriel Method wagon, let me know so we can get into it together!

Cheers. <3